Our Story
King Fabrications is a small framebuilding shop based out of the SF bay area. We are focused on making race ready steel bicycle frames for an affordable price. Our goal is to make race bikes that can be ridden by people in our community and that will withstand whatever you can throw at them. Steel bicycles have come a long ways in their stiffness and weight, many people assume a steel frame will be heavy and slow but we are here to prove them wrong. Steel is real, as they say, and we intend on proving it.
About Me
I am a Non-binary bike nerd who really emphasizes community and culture over anything. The whole reason behind starting King Fab was to build cool bikes for cool people. I have been riding and racing on the velodrome since I was in high school, and have been a fixie foo for even longer. Bikes have opened up an entire world of freedom and expression beyond anything I could have imagined when I built up my first fixed gear (a 1955 Raleigh grand prix). I think the community we have surrounding fixed gear bikes is astounding and continues to amaze me.
TIG welding was something I always wanted to learn, and at my first chance I went to trade school to start my fabrication journey. Looking back at my first frames I am so proud of where I have come and I don’t think I could imagine back then what I am capable of now. When I was still in school I started working with Low bicycles and learned the framebuilding trade. I went on to become head fabricator for another brand but have since realized I need to be in control of the process from start to finish. King Fab is a small shop run out of my garage, with the limited space and storage of my shop I have honed in on tooling requirements and fabrication techniques that are friendly to a small space.
Being a queer individual in the bicycle industry can be very challenging. Inclusivity is one of the largest issues with bicycles. I think with more visibility and inclusion we can start to make an impact on the automobile driven world we live in. Riding bicycles has changed my life in an incredible way, and I can’t imagine living without them.